MENEZES, FERRAZ, BARRETO E CUNHA ADVOGADOS is a society of lawyers with recognized performance in the business world, with a profile that reflects the new paradigms faced by the modern administration of business.

Because of the constant and quick changes in the economic and political settings that require periodical adaptation of the legal system, the frantic national legislative output has challenged the businessmen and executives responsible for the conduction of corporate strategies. More than ever they need an efficient and precise legal endorsement, able to support the deliberations and the decision-making process.

Our legal system has gone through much needed changes, leaving behind an individualist orientation of the law and replacing this concept with the dignity and the protection of human rights as center of the law, reinforcing the social welfare as a constitutional principle. These simultaneous changes – that aim to modernize and diversify the business and market relations, inserting the country in the global context, and, at the same time aiming at the establishment of a legal order founded in the social solidarity – often appear to cause contention in the legal system, always requiring a deep analysis based on the equilibrium of the principles that guide the application of the law.

The team of lawyers and consultants from MENEZES, FERRAZ, BARRETO E CUNHA ADVOGADOS is in clear synchronism with modern times. It is a law firm commitment to renewal, analyzing and presenting, in each case, the solution to the inevitable questions and controversies that arise in modern times.


Bob’s, Burger King e Mc Donald’s recebem recomendação do MPF

Redes de fast food recebem recomendação do Ministério Público Federal para que suspendam as promoções que associam brinquedos ao consumo de lanches em seus estabelecimentos.

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Inauguradas as novas instalações do 1º Juizado Especial Cível de Salvador

O presidente do TJBA, desembargador Benito Figueiredo, inaugurou ontem (29) as novas instalações do 1º Juizado Especial de Defesa do Consumidor, nas dependências da Universidade Salgado de Oliveira (U

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Gol terá que pagar indenização a passageiro por atraso de vôo

A Gol Transportes Aéreos foi condenada a pagar R$ 7 mil, por danos morais, a um cliente que teve que aguardar mais de 14 horas no aeroporto de Salvador.

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